Monday, October 1, 2012

Kindergarten School Theme

Theme for September - School

So the first time I went to kindergarten I got the time wrong and came an hour early.  The teacher was really sweet about it but it had to be annoying.  We had fun though and it went well.

'Fun to Do' from Children's Songbook,17631,8764-1,00.html   Kids got to chose some other things that they thought were fun.

Wheels on the Bus

    Made a big bus from an from a Powerpoint clipart image on poster board and had pictures of different parts of the song on a magnetic board for them to take turns picking.
Introduced Quarter Note and Eighth Note
   Tore picture of Quarter Note in half to show 1/2 of a beat for Eighth Note

Rhythms stick to ABC by Jackson 5
   Rhythm sticks made out of pcv pipe.  I had four quarter notes on one page and eight eighth notes on another page.  We would switch back and forth between tapping out quarter notes and eighth notes.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

   I have watched a you tube of Michael Rosen performing the Bear Hunt poem.   He did not have anyone repeating after him.  It is quite amusing the way he does it and he has this cool accent.  It kind of bugs me now to listen to a repeat version so I don't repeat.  Plus it is long anyway so it is twice as long if every word is repeated.